Painter & literary bard Brett Busang hails from the Deep South & is the re-incarnation of an eccentric English Lord who tried to poison Queen Vic & who might have
been Jack the Ripper. Do not tempt his fierce wit ... you'll be left a bleeding mess.
David Cooper is thee Welsh proto-beatnik or is he D.B. Cooper - the unidentified man who hijacked a Boing 727 aircraft in the airspace between Portland, Oregon, &
Seattle, Washington, on November 24, 1971?
Franz Dobler is the elder statesmen & jack of all outlawed trades of German subculture. Franz was there when Cain slew Abel & when Merle played Folsom Prison.
Sinead Gallagher is the woman Pollock & Kline feared. A descendant of Cúchulainn, her paintings come directly from the core of lunar wisdom & the White Goddess.
Daniel Grandbois is the Plato of the Colorado Rockies. His prose poetry & flash fiction are nothing less than a reimagining of the history of Western philosophy.
Django Knoth is an underground legend of Berlin/Kreuzberg. His photographic work shows that the legend also has a deep understanding of the human condition.